

To be eligible for the Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta, entries have a full keel, be of moderate to heavy displacement, built of wood or steel, and be of traditional rig and appearance. Old craft restored using modern materials such as epoxy or glass sheathing, or new craft built along the lines of an old design, are acceptable. Vessels built of ferrocement may be accepted if they have a gaff or traditional schooner rig. Fibreglass yachts must have a long keel with a keel-hung rudder and be a descendent of a wooden hull design.

Yachts not fitting into the above categories may nevertheless apply, providing documents, photographs or drawings to support their request for entry in the Spirit of Tradition or Modern Classic classes. Modern Classics are monohulls built of any material, with a modern underwater profile, such as fin & skeg, & designed pre-1988 – will be limited number accepted. All entries unknown to the Regatta committee must be accompanied by underwater and rig photographs or drawings, and are subject to approval by the Committee, whose decision is final.

All captains must visit the ACYR registration desk at the Nelson’s Dockyard Classics Registration Centre on Wednesday 16 April 2025 9am and 4pm to confirm arrival, pay for entry and receive current Regatta information.

Media registration is for any photographers, videographers or journalists. If you have any questions regarding your credentials, please contact us.

2025 Expected Entries